Power Play is THE space for business owners with full lives, not just full businesses.

A business you CAN'T WAIT to get back to? YES PLEASE.

A business that has you filling up notebooks with new ideas? You know it.

But NOT one that is running your life. I know you don’t want that. You want your business to fund and support your life, not totally consume it.

You feel in your SOUL that you are ready for more, even though you look at your calendar and think, "BUT HOWWWW?!"

I'll show you how. It gets to be easier and more fun than ever before.

Come play with us♟️⚡️🏆🎯🚀

You sit down at your computer, and you know exactly what to do next. You're not wasting a single second of those precious nap time work sessions trying to "figure out what's next."

It feels like every day you're hitting goals.

You're getting that lil dopamine hit from completing tasks that make you money…not just adding tasks to a to-do list so you can check them off, but *really* making moves that make fckin sense for your bank account.

Sitting next to you on your desk is your Power Play Board. The month just started, and you're already a couple of spaces in. Because when you make moves in your business, you see your progress on the game track.

You open up the group chat to celebrate, sending messages like...

This is for you if…

🚀 You want someone else's eyes on your website, listings, and marketing.

Your partner, sure, you love them, but they never really have any feedback, do they? They're supportive AF, they're your biggest cheerleader, but you're sick of just hearing, "looks good!" (Of course it does), and you're ready for the tweaks and feedback that leads to $$$.

🚀 You're in this for the long haul.

You're interested in building something real and lasting, not hoping for overnight viral success that you want to burn to the ground when the viral wears off. You're dedicated to this business and the potential, and you're ready to commit to it big time. 

🚀 In the past (or maybe presently) you've gotten in the habit of just going through the motions…

a little bored, a little uninspired at times 🥱 You didn't start your business to learn accounting and SEO (but you did, didn't you?) You're feeling the pull to get back to the love of it, the art, the fun, the potential. You want to celebrate the big and little wins instead of just staring at a screen and then moving on with life. You're doing so many fun things; it's all coming together! But you're also stuck in the day-to-day, and you're not taking the time you want to celebrate and play. So what if we made play part of it?

🚀 You hate when people ask about your “little business”

Nothing about your work is "little." You may just be getting started, but you and I both know that even your small steps are bigger than what most people can even begin to imagine for themselves. You're surrounded by people who don't get it. While they're working a 9-5, stuck in the matrix, and have zero plan to get out, you KNOW there is more out there for you. You KNOW that being just another cog in the machine simply cannot be all that there is to this life, and you're actively doing something about it.

🔑 The most important thing

The thought of sticking to this for 6 months+ doesn't scare you at all. It's exciting because you know with or without this experience, you'll be doing this thing years from now. No question about it. You're not on the edge of quitting, you can't even imagine that. 

These games make it hard NOT to win with progress you can SEE. Everything that moves you forward in the game, moves you forward in business.

Whether it's a bingo tile that gets you closer to free coffee, a big money making task that moves you forward on the board, or getting to cross off and celebrate those micro goals (like new followers, daily $ goals, features, and more). We make it a regular thing to SEE the progress you're making. (My visual babes, you'll love this)

Each month you'll get a new board game with new mini games (side quests) so that business feeling anything but boring. I know you'll love it because you're a little bit (or a lot of bit) competitive.

Say goodbye to BORING and busy work. We don't do that sh/t anymore.

The real prize

Getting your spark back, KEEPING IT, and watching your progress all add up right before your eyes day after day.

But if that's not enough, everyone who makes it to the Winner Circle each month will have a drawing for VIP coaching day ($497 value).

You'll receive a custom Dashboard, Game HQ, and a welcome video that walks you through how to play the game. Then, you join us over on Telegram. An app where all the Coaching happens.

Then the games begin! You'll get instant access to Energize your Etsy and From Crafts to Riches, and your game starts on your start date! (DM Carley to schedule that and talk options!)

You'll move through the game at your own pace, following weekly tasks and hitting custom milestones. No two games will be the same!

Every Tuesday and Thursday, you can plug in for Coaching with Carley.

In between coaching days, you'll love celebrating each other's victories and getting other people's two cents in the community chat.

What’s included

📝 Audits

Drop an Etsy link and have it picked apart (with love) so you know exactly what you should change so people think, "omg, this is IT" when they land in your listing instead of clicking back to the endless search results and losing track of your products forever. Want something else looked at? No problem. Ask me anything and get feedback + exactly what I would change, why, and how.

🎯 Coaching

Your weekly checkpoint with your business sidekick (hi, me!) to drop a burning question and get answers that keep you MOVIN with a fuck ton of confidence. No more sitting in ideas for 2 years... it's time to decide, strategize, and move. Zoom out, tell me your ideas, and let's break down the roadblocks with hands-on support so your best ideas become your best sellers.

💬 Mastermind Community

Space for celebrations, people that get it, and support to turn lolly-gagging into your next victory. All the audits and questions will be available for everyone, so you will get answers to questions you didn't even have yet to help you get ahead. T said, "I've only been in here a month, but I love this community." This group is full of your cheerleaders as you cross your next finish line and is your new home base for your hard-hitting questions. You'll get WAY better support than from that shitty Facebook group advice with 1,000 strangers that only really cares about pitching you some service.

🏆 Rule Book and Custom Dashboard

Your customized milestones will determine how you move around the board. Gone are the days of setting boring goals on January 1 and never looking at them again. We're making it fun with Mad-lib-style goals that will have you celebrating all year long + your own little hub for all things Power Play

⚡️ Access to Energize your Etsy + From Crafts to Riches
while you're in Power Play

What your future could look like if you joined Power Play today…

in 1 week:
have a 2025 plan that has you feeling confident and excited at for the year.

in 2 weeks:
have tweaked the wording on your website to get more sales with less effort from you

in 4 weeks:
be celebrating hitting several goals this month, winning the game, and scheduling your VIP coaching day

in 8 weeks:
say NO more regularly without it decreasing your revenue

in 12 weeks:
have a business that you don’t need a break from that has you feeling calm in your new rhythm and hitting your $$$ goals.

Power Play isn’t here to add to your already-packed schedule.

The only additional time it’ll add is the coaching and community. Both of these are meant to help you move faster and save time.

You don’t have time to waste. Neither do I.

Power Play coaching is built to work with your schedule and deliver maximum impact without unnecessary fluff.

Here’s how it works:

Each week you can plug into Telegram for business coaching or content (etsy, insta, email, Pinterest, website, forms, you name it) feedback.

You get direct, focused answers on exactly what you need.
without any extra noise.

❌ No busy work.
❌ No 1 hour calls you have to shuffle your schedule around for.
✅ Flexible, direct, to the point, and personal to YOU coaching
✅ Every week.

💭 Imagine getting the feedback on your Etsy listing, intake form, or sales page so that you can turn those into sales without 1084 messages (which would save you a lot of time, wouldn’t it?)

💭 Imagine questions answered that allow you to take action without googling or spending an hour in Facebook groups trying to sift through shitty advice from people who don’t make more money than you.

💭 Imagine feeling stuck and having a place to go to light a fire under your ass in a matter of minutes instead of spending 4 months wondering why you feel stuck.

that would save you a lot of time, wouldn’t it?

Power Play doesn’t cost you time;

it saves you time.

And it makes the whole process way more fun.

💵 Investment

$333/mo or $1,777 Pay in Full for 6 months 
$297/mo or $3,300 Pay in Full for 12 months

A small price to pay to become the kind of person that that’s calm, present, and thriving in a business that’s hitting goals left and right.

At a glance, here is what you get:

  • Six or 12 months of group telegram coaching and community 

  • Weekly coaching and audits

  • Unique monthly game boards and challenges

  • Your rule book (planner)

  • Access to Energize your Etsy while you're in Power Play

❌ DO NOT Join Power Play if you want to spend another year blindly reverse engineering someone's stupidly over complicated business model. ❌

Cuz you won't win the game. And there’s VIP days up for grabs!

You’re ready, aren’t you?