Now enrolling to begin July 19th.
Ready to claim your spot for $375? 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


My favorite college professor, that taught a lot of my entrepreneurship classes, always said the reason small businesses don't grow is that they spend all their time IN their business instead of working ON the business.

After 9 years of owning a small business, I couldn't agree more.

That's why I wanted to create a space for Etsy sellers to work on their business together.

The easy work is often in the business
that's making your products, playing with the designs, communicating with customers, and packing orders.

Working on your business doesn't come as naturally to creatives.
These are the money-making tasks & behind the scenes that no one sees.


You're ready to get your Etsy off the ground! You have a shop, but you feel like you have so many unanswered questions. You know, having those answers would help you take the right action and move you forward. You value your time; you're just interested in doing it right and doing it now.

You value feedback and are ready for a seasoned seller to tell you exactly WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and WHY so you can apply it over and over to your current and future listings.

You see nothing but potential in your shop. You're ready to focus on your Etsty and give it the energy it needs. You also know that there are things you don't know, and you look forward to having questions answered that you didn't even know you had! (thanks to a small group focused on the same things!)

START DATE: JUly 19th - JUly 26th




You know, like from a magazine when we were kids! Jot down your answers. Let’s go!!!

  1. Do you have an Etsy shop?

A) Yes, I have for years!
B) Yes, just getting it off the ground
C) No, but I could get it open before we start!
D) Nope, not quite ready yet.

2. Which do you want most?

A) I'm ready to go viral, baby!
B) Steady and sustainable growth, pretty please!
C) I have the foundation, so I'm ready to blow up!

3. Let's look at your backend 👀

A) I need some heeeeeelp
B) I'm a well-oiled machine!
C) I have a great start, but I need more to scale.

4. What's going on for you June 14-21 / July 19-26

A) SWAMPED! It's not ideal...
B) I'm busy, but I will carve out some time!
C) Wide open and ready to rock!
D) Some days are better than others!

5. Tell me how you feel right now...

A) feeling a little lost...I'm looking for clarity!
B) I know what I want, and I'm on my way!
C) *sigh,* I don't think Etsy is for me?

[0-3] I don't think this is a good fit for you at this time. It doesn't mean you won't be a good fit in the future!

[4-11] You're a good fit for this! I'd love to have you in this group and help you get where you want to go more quickly!

[12-15] This was made for you! It sounds like the timing is right, you know have a foundation, and you're ready for more. So let's do it!!!

QUIZ SCORING: 1) a-3, b-3, c-3, 4-0; 2) a-1, b-2, c-2; 3) a-3, b-2, c-4; 4) a-0, b-3, c-3, d-2; 5) a-3, b-3, c-0

Not a quiz person? Want more info? No problem!

You’re likely a good fit if…

✔️You have an Etsy shop
✔️You're ready to put in some work on your Etsy
✔️You can set aside a little time that week to take action.
✔️You want to streamline things and get your Etsy working for you, even if you currently don't have any systems.
✔️You want feedback and support from Carley and a small group of other

You might also... 

✨ Have a reoccurring issue that you want yo work through
✨ Like accountability
✨ Have questions about Etsy, best practices, and business.

What do you need to have done first?

Nothing is required, but it's best if you have some listings up that you'd like feedback on!


8 days of having me in your pocket for...

❓ Answers your questions (+ answers to questions you didn't even know you had, thanks to other members' questions! 🤯)

🧡 Etsy challenges

⚡️ Specific steps to optimize your shop and listings

👯‍♀️ New friends and support from peers

⚙️ Strategies for next-level systems

🧠 Mindset shifts

💡 New ideas and POV for more ease in your biz.


All of this will take place in Voxer, a free voice and text messaging app. Voxer means no specific timed calls; you can pop in and out as you have the time and space to do so!

Wondering about voxer? Check out this post for details!

This is great for faster answers as you implement, so you never feel like you have to go off of anyone's schedule but your own! We'll start Monday Morning. We'll get a solid five days in before the weekend, where you can choose to take that time off or implement. The Voxer will still be open over the weekend, of course, whether you participate or not. We'll wrap up with any final questions + a celebration of yourself and each other!


Whether you're getting ready for this round or in the future, here is what you can do to get ready:

FIRST—This is not something you have to have perfected BEFORE we start. 

This is a week of working on your Etsy and business,
so it doesn't first have to be complete and perfect to participate. That's the point!

Step One: Set an intention. 

My intention is to support you in getting results more quickly on Etsy while holding space for your big dreams and plans. It doesn't matter what exactly your intention is, but having an intention is required to participateMaybe it's to gain clarity, reach milestones on your Etsy journey, or completely rehaul your shop to make it support your next level. 

Step Two: Have some listings up in your shop!

This way, group members and I can provide specific feedback to help move you forward! 

Step Three: Jot down some questions.

Where specifically are you feeling hung up? What clarity would help you move forward? What do you want a definitive answer on?

Step Four: Get prepared to think beyond Etsy!

We will look at listings specifics, talk SEO and marketing, and do all the practical things on Etsy! BUT, we will also look at your business as a whole. Your business is more than your Etsy shop, and as we upgrade your Etsy shop, we'll also prepare to upgrade other areas of your business and your mindset.


To get started, make your payment below, and then shoot me a message on Instagram that you're in, and I will send you Pre-work!

$375 (payment options AVAILABLE)