
A Letter From Carley

I'm so excited to help you grow your Pinterest!

I know so many people who want Pinterest to work for them, but they can't quite figure out what is missing. I hope that you leave this course with EVERYTHING you need to grow your Pinterest into a powerhouse for getting traffic, leads, and $$$$!

Before you start anything, please start with the pre-work. If you have been on Pinterest for a while, you might already have these done! Please double-check, though. These things can grateful affect your success on Pinterest. If you don't have the basic set up correct, nothing else will work. Make sure you have a tour website, and other sites claimed, too!

Everything I teach is in the Pinterest Guide, which you can download below. The homework follows along with the book, so you can reference it as you go. I love this course because you can watch, read, or listen to your way to success.

As we get started, I want to remind you of two things: First, I am here to help you! If you come up with questions as we dive in, that's what the Facebook group is for. Second, you get what you put into this. Each week will have more homework, and while it's optional, I highly encourage you to participate.